Friday, December 10, 2010

What is Wrong with Politics?

This blog is meant to be a forum for constructive debate.  There will not be an agenda pushed from the host of the blog itself, but rather it will give you information so that you the people may have a forum to debate one another on.  The information here in will be accurate and educational, rather than fabricated and fictional. 

The problem with politics these days are the agenda of the people who are in office.  The blog will talk about many levels of politics from the federal level, state level, county level and local level matters.  We will heavily focus on local level politics or those that involve Northampton County.  Again, we will not push an agenda other than that of informing you the people of what you need to know in order to make a better educated opinion on a matter.  We will post all party responses, whether it be Republican, Democrat, Independent, Tea Party or any other party affiliation. 

This blog will not stop anybody from making comments at anytime regardless of opinion.  You may attack us or other people, but we would ask that you do so in a constructive manner.  Nothing will get accomplished by not listening or not being able to communicate with each other.  If a response has utilized profanity, the post will be edited to remove those profanities, but then placed back on the blog. You the people have the control to say what you want, and how you want it to be said.  You are also responsible for holding this blog to it's word on being focused on the issues rather than an agenda.


  1. This anonymous blog falsely claims to have no agenda, but just like the anonymous Gracedale blog, it is dedicated to bashing Angle. Here'a what the anonymous author posted at Lehigh Valley Ramblings.

    "I can't get out of my mind the fact that you endorse Ron Angle. A man who changed party affiliation to maintain office, a man with no beliefs other than his and last but not least, a man who will never under any circumstances let facts get in the way of his opinion.

    "The county has failed on many agendas and most of them are because of Ron Angle. If County Council would be made to have all positions run as at-large, he would not be on the council any longer. I have to ask the question. Where does that leave you? Will you still be this passionate when your brother is no longer on the council? What will be your drive if that was to happen?"

    Does that sound to you like the words of someone with no agenda? And where are the facts? Noot even one is produced.

    It's just another smear.

  2. I want to clarify something. When I wrote the comments that I did on your blog, I did mean them. Those were motivated not by political agendas, but rather by political failures. This blog is not going to have this kind of rhetoric. However, on your blog, that is what you want and what you accept as constructive conversation. I have no problem with admitting that those comments were made. However, on this blog, those comments will not be generated by me. This blog will be focused on past votes, who voted on the matters and what the outcome has lead to. This will be a blog of fact and not fiction. An informative blog, so that the people of Northampton County have something to choose, so that they may make informed decisions at the booth. Based on my comments on your blog, you would think I am democrat, but I am a conservative at mind. I only tell you that, so that in the future, you will see the neutrality in which I speak with.

  3. I am going to tell everyone that this blog can become the new Lehigh Valley Ramblings.
    That is if we can get 4 or 5 people to contribute. That way it will be twice as popular as that dog and pony show.

  4. John Stoffa does what he thinks is right. Maybe at 70 he has the early stages of dementia or Alzheimers and isn't making the best choices. I say this with respect, as the former President Ronald Reagan had early stage Alzheimers during his presidency and needed help with day to day operations. Fortunately Nancy was there to disquise the insidious nature of the disease. I think although he puts in these long 12 hour days, he should take all of his pension(s) and go relax, maybe write a book, mentor or volunteer. Then Ron Angle can become Exec and Bernie Ohare could get that coveted "hallwalker" job he always wanted.

  5. Lehigh Valley Ramblings exists solely to defend and promote the twisted ideas and barbaric behavior of Mr. A.And take a good look at who is providing Mr.A's defense.
    Your attempt to create a new and refreshingly honest forum is very much appreciated.
    Thanks for your time and effort.

  6. I cannot seem to understand why the County Council is so fearful of placing the issue of whether or not to privatize Gracedale on the ballot? According to his majesty himself,he is extremly American, patriotic, and follows the American dream.Why then would he be FIGHTING these few citizens who really seem, in my opinion, to be the real Americans.
    If the citizens of NORCO want to maintain Gracedale with all of the changes that His Majesty has so correctly outlined,why all the fuss?
    This issue could have been completed via the vote (patriotic and American)during the last election on Nov.2.
    This issue touches every NORCO citizen from youth until death.If the people wish to give Gracedale an opportunity to support itself and get it on the right track,then let them decide.
    If after all the necessary changes (many of the more workable ideas come from Mr. A himself)are not met, and Gracedale continues to be a "money pit,"then the idea of privatization ,I am sure, would be understood by all.
